Docker cheatsheat

Docker is the easiest way to build *quad project for Android. This is a little cheatsheat on how to simplify life with docker.

getrandom with *quad on WASM

Guide For those who want to use getrandom (mainly for rand or for ahash) with *quad.

Macroquad 0.4 changelog

Macroquad with Metal on IOS and other updates.

Macroquad on IOS

Step by step quide in setting up development environment and building a game for IOS.

Java interop with Miniquad on Android

How to Android runs binaries and how to work with Java libraries from *quads

Publish game on Android with Macroquad

Step by step quide in setting up development environment, building a game for Android and publishing it on the android market.

Making an online multiplayer game in Rust with Nakama

Tutorial goes from setting up an empty Macroquad project into building a simple single-player 2D platformer. And than adding multiplayer with help of Nakama.

JavaScript interop with miniquad

A short intro into what WASM is and how to build a bridge between rust and wasm.

Cross-platform logs

Cross-platform logs in *quads world.